2024, “The Role of Commercialization Competence in Endogenous Economic Growth” (with G.Ballot and G. Eliasson), International Journal of Microsimulation 17(2): 297-323.
2024, “Firm Turnover and the Rate of Macro Economic Growth: Simulating the Macroeconomic Effects of Schumpeterian Creative Destruction” (with G. Eliasson and D.Johansson), International Journal of Microsimulation 17(2): 279-296.
2024, “Modelling Financial Derivatives Markets in a Firm Based Evolutionary Macro Model (MOSES) - On the Market Integration of Computing, Communications, and Financial Services” (with G.Eliasson), International Journal of Microsimulation 17(2): 233-278.
2024, “Micro-Macro Simulation of Technological Systems: Economic Effects of Spillovers” (with B.Carlsson and G. Eliasson), International Journal of Microsimulation 17(2): 213-232.
2024, “The Limits of Policymaking - An Analysis of the Consequences of Boundedly Rational Government using the Swedish Micro-to-Macro model (MOSES)” (with G. Eliasson), International Journal of Microsimulation 17(2): 182-201.
2024, “Deprem Fonu ve Depreme Dirençli Ekonomi” (with E. Voyvoda, E. Yeldan and K. Yılmaz), Deprem Dirençli Kentler: Bir Yol Haritası, İstanbul: Bilim Akademisi, pp. 78-86.
2024, “Emekliler, Emekçiler ve AKP: 2023-2024 Seçimlerinde Oy Geçişleri”, Toplum ve Bilim (168): 85-103.
2024, “Is There a Virtuous Cycle between Wages and Productivity? Turkish Experience after the Transition to Democracy” (with E. Voyvoda and K.Yilmaz), World Development, (175): 106474.
2023, “Informality and Productivity: The Sources of Productivity Differentials between Formal and Informal Firms”, Ekonomik Yaklaşım, 34(129): 331-362.
2023, “Türkiye Ekonomisinde Dış Ticaret, Cari Denge ve Yapısal Dönüşüm” (with E. Voyvoda), ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, (50): 29-54.
2022, “Regional Convergence or Polarization: The Case of the Russian Federation”, Regional Research of Russia, (12/4): 469–482.
2022, “From Domestic to Global Crisis: Turkey During the 2001–2009 Period” (with E. Voyvoda), Political Economy of Development in Turkey, 1838 – Present, E. Özçelik and Y. Özdemir (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 257-286.
2021, “COVID-19 Tedbirlerinin Ekonomik Etkileri ve Çözüm Önerileri: Türkiye için Bir ex-ante Politika Etki Analizi”, Afetlerle Yoksullaşma: Salgınlar, Göçler ve Eşitsizlikler, M. Tiryakioğlu (ed.), Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press, pp. 181-197.
2021, “Decomposing the Immigration-Trade Link using Price and Quantity Margins: The Role of Education” (with A.M. Ferragina and S. Iandolo), Applied Economics, (53): 4734-4749.
2021, “Migration and Comparative Advantages: new evidence on the EU-MENA Region” (with A.M. Ferragina and S. Iandolo), International Journal of Manpower (42): 904-934.
2021, “KİT Sisteminin İktisadi Değerlendirmesi”, Kamucu Politikalar, Bildiriler Kitabı, Ankara: TMMOB, pp. 259-270.
2021, “How Flexible are Small Firms? An Analysis on the Determinants of Flexibility” (with G. Sak), Ekonomik Yaklaşım (32): 1-25.
2020, “Pro-trade Effects and Knowledge Diffusion through Migration between MENA and EU” (with A.M. Ferragina and S. Iandolo), in G. Canitano and S. Capasso (eds.), Mediterranean Economies Outlook 2020, Bologna: Il Mulino, Chapter 4.
2020, “Covid-19’un İktisadi Etkileri”, Covid-19 Pandemisi: Altıncı Ay Değerlendirme Raporu, TTB, pp. 662-671.
2020, “Salgın Devam Ederken Ekonomi Düzelebilir mi? – Bir Mikrosimülasyon Analizi”, Sarkaç, 9 July.
2020, “Covid-19 Tedbirlerinin Türkiye Ekonomisine Etkisi ve Çözüm Önerileri”, Sarkaç, 8 April.
2020, “Spatial Agglomeration, Innovation Clustering and Firm Performances in Turkey”, (with A.M. Ferragina and G. Nunziante), in S. Capasso and E. Ferragina, Mediterranean Migration and the Labour Markets: Policies for Growth and Social Development in the Mediterranean Area, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 102-132.
2019, “Firm Growth Dynamics and Employment Generation in Turkish Manufacturing” (with Ü. Töngür), in A. Akkoyunlu Wigley and S. Çağatay (eds.), The Dynamics of Growth in Emerging Economies: The Case of Turkey, Oxeon and New York: Routledge, pp. 246-266
2018, Dijital Teknolojiler ve Ekonomik Büyüme, İstanbul: TUSİAD.
2017, “Yapısal Dönüşüm, Sanayileşme ve Sanayi Politikaları: Küresel Eğilimlerden Türkiye Ekonomisine Kısa Bir Gezinti” (with E. Voyvoda), in M. Koyuncu, H. Mıhçı and A.E. Yeldan, Geçmişten Geleceğe Türkiye Ekonomisi, İstanbul: İletişim, pp. 11-44.
2017, “Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Firma Büyümesi ve İstihdam” (with Ü. Tongür), in M. Koyuncu, H. Mıhçı and A.E. Yeldan, Geçmişten Geleceğe Türkiye Ekonomisi, İstanbul: İletişim, pp. 75-94.
2017, “Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Kar Marjları” (with K. Yılmaz), in M. Koyuncu, H. Mıhçı and A.E. Yeldan, Geçmişten Geleceğe Türkiye Ekonomisi, İstanbul: İletişim, pp. 95-113.
2016, “Globalization, Technological Change and Labor Demand: A Firm-level Analysis for Turkey” (with E. Meschi and M. Vivarelli), Review of World Economics (152): 655–680.
2016, “İstihdam, Eşitsizlik ve Yoksulluk”“, in M. Heper and S. Sayarı (eds.), Dünden Bugüne Türkiye: Tarih, Politika, Toplum ve Kültür, Translated by K. Tanrıyar, İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, ss. 471-485 (translated from Taymaz, 2012).
2015, “2023’e Doğru Sanayi, Yapısal Dönüşüm ve Sanayi Politikaları” (with E. Voyvoda), İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 30(350): 25-62.
2015, “Demokrasiye Geçiş, Reel Ücretler ve Verimlilik: Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinden Bulgular” (with E. Voyvoda ve K. Yılmaz), in E. Özçelik and E. Taymaz (eds.), Türkiye Ekonomisinin Dünü Bugünü Yarını: Yakup Kepenek’e ve Oktar Türel’e Armağan, Ankara: İmge, pp. 141-161.
2015, “Bölüşüm Göstergeleri ile 2008-2009 Krizi: Türkiye Örneği” (with Z. Başak), in E. Özçelik and E. Taymaz (eds.), Türkiye Ekonomisinin Dünü Bugünü Yarını: Yakup Kepenek’e ve Oktar Türel’e Armağan, Ankara: İmge, pp. 91-120.
2015, “Türkiye’de Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Sektörü: Yeri, Önemi ve Geleceği” (with Ü. İzmen, Y. Kılıçaslan and Y. Üçdoğruk Gürel), in E. Özçelik and E. Taymaz (eds.), Türkiye Ekonomisinin Dünü Bugünü Yarını: Yakup Kepenek’e ve Oktar Türel’e Armağan, Ankara: İmge, pp. 57-70.
2014, “What have We Learned? Lessons for Enterprise Policy” (with A. Ferragine and K.Yılmaz), in A. Ferragina, E. Taymaz and K. Yılmaz (eds.), Innovation, Globalization and Firm Dynamics: Lessons for Enterprise Policy, Routledge, pp. 357-365.
2014, “Foreign Ownership, Survival and Growth Dynamics in Turkish Manufacturing” (with K. Yilmaz), in A. Ferragina, E. Taymaz and K. Yilmaz (eds.), Innovation, Globalization and Firm Dynamics: Lessons for Enterprise Policy, Routledge, pp. 237-264.
2014, Innovation, Globalization and Firm Dynamics: Lessons for Enterprise Policy (edited by A. Ferragina, E. Taymaz and K. Yilmaz), Routledge, pp. 237-264.
2013, “The Demand for Researchers: Does Public R&D Support Make a Difference?” (with Y. Ucdogruk), Eurasian Business Review (3): 90-99.
2012, “Marching to the Beat of a Late Drummer: Turkey’s Experience of Neoliberal Industrialization since 1980” (with E. Voyvoda), New Perspectives on Turkey, No 47, pp. 83-113.
2012, “Employment, Equality and Poverty”, in M. Heper and S. Sayari (eds.), Handbook of Modern Turkey, Routledge, 364-375.
2012, “Kafkasya’da Ekonomik Dönüşüm ve Kalkınma”, in M. Aydın (ed.), Kafkaslar, Değişim, Dönüşüm (Avrasya Üçlemesi III), Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi, 315-348.
2012, Atılım için Bilişim: Türkiye Ekonomisi için Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Sektörü Eliyle Atılım Stratejisi (with Ü. İzmen, Y. Kılıçaslan, Y. Üçdoğruk and D. Sönmez), Istanbul: TUBISAD.
2011, Uluslararası Üretim Zincirlerinde Dönüşüm ve Türkiye’nin Konumu (with K. Yılmaz and E. Voyvoda), Istanbul: TUSIAD/EAF.
2011, “Trade, Technology and Skills: Evidence from Turkish Microdata” (with E. Meschi and M. Vivarelli), Labour Economics (18): S60-S70.
2010, “The Effectiveness of Crisis Measures: The Case of Motor Vehicles Industry”, in U. Efendioglu (ed.), Crisis and Turkey: Impact Analysis of Crisis Response, Ankara: ILO, pp. 41-72. [Turkish version, “Kriz Tedbirlerinin Etkinligi: Motorlu Kara Tasitlari Sanayii Ornegi”, U. Efendioglu (der.), Kriz ve Turkiye: Kriz Tedbirlerinin Etki Degerlendirmesi, Ankara: ILO, ss. 43-74.]
2009, “Industrial Restructuring and Technology Policy in Turkey” (with E. Voyvoda), in Z. Onis and F. Senses (eds.), Turkey and the Global Economy: Neo-Liberal Restructuring and Integration in the Post-Crisis Era, Routledge, pp.145-172.
2009, “Development Strategy and Evolution of Turkey’s Innovation System” in J.H. Suh (ed.), Models for National Technology and Innovation Capacity Development in Turkey, Seoul: Korea Development Institute, pp. 63-104. [Reprinted in Turkish in 2010.]
2009, “Entry, Exit and Productivity in Turkish Manufacturing Industries” (with T. Pamukçu and K. Sekkat), in K.Sekkat (ed.), Market Dynamics and Productivity in Developing Countries: Economic Reforms in the Middle East and North Africa, Springer, pp.109-143.
2009, “Overcoming the Double Hurdles to Investing in Technology: R&D Activities of Small Firms in Developing Countries” (with Y. Ucdogruk), Small Business Economics (33): 109-128.
2009, “History Matters for the Export Decision: Plant Level Evidence from Turkish Manufacturing Industry” (with S. Ozler and K. Yilmaz), World Development (37): 479-488.
2008, KOBİ’lerde Dönüşüm: Küçük Firmaların Büyük Başarıları (with A. Filiztekin, M. Fisunoğlu, Y. Kılıçaslan and A. Lenger), İstanbul: Türkonfed.
2008, “Labor Market Institutions and Industrial Performance: An Evolutionary Study” (with Y. Kilicaslan), Journal of Evolutionary Economics (18): 477-492.
2008, “The Impact of Electricity Market Liberalization in Turkey: ‘Free Consumer’ vs Distributional Monopoly Cases” (with S. Bahçe), Energy Economics (30): 1603-1624.
2008, “R&D Support Programs in Developing Countries: The Turkish Experience” (with E. Ozcelik), Research Policy (37): 258-275.
2007, “Assessing the Effectiveness of Incubators: The Case of Turkey” (with I.S. Akcomak), in Venkata Ramani, V. and Bala Krishna, A. V. (eds.), Business Incubation: An Introduction, Icfai Books, Icfai University Press: Hyderabad, pp. 234-265.
2007, “Foreign Ownership, Competition, and Survival Dynamics” (with S. Ozler), Review of Industrial Organization (31): 23-42.
2007, “Vision 2023: Turkey’s National Technology Foresight Program - A Contextualist Description and Analysis” (with O. Saritas and T. Tumer), Technological Forecasting and Social Change (74): 1374-1393.
2007, “Productivity and Trade Orientation: Turkish Manufacturing Industry Before and After the Customs Union” (with K. Yilmaz), Journal of International Trade and Diplomacy (1): 127-154.
2007, “El espíritu emprendedor, el tamaño de lanzamiento y la supervivencia de los pequeños empresarios” [Entrepreneurship, Start-up Size and Selection: Why do Small Entrepreneurs Fail?] (with M.Y. Köksal), Ekonomiaz: Basque Economics Journal (62/2): 70-99.
2006, “Sınai Yapı, Yapısal Değişim ve Üretkenlik” (with A. Kılıçaslan), İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 247 (October): 5-23.
2006, “Who Benefits from Training and R&D, the Firm or the Workers?” (with G. Ballot and F. Fakhfakh), British Journal of Industrial Relations (44): 473-495.
2006, “To Innovate or to Transfer? A Study on Spillovers and Foreign Firms in Turkey” (with A. Lenger), Journal of Evolutionary Economics (16): 137-153. [Reprinted in F. Malerba and U. Cantner (eds.), Innovation, Industrial Dynamics and Structural Transformation: Schumpeterian Legacies, Springer, 2007, pp. 303-319.]
2006, “Transferring the Risks of Failure: Entrepreneurship and Firm Dynamics in Turkish Manufacturing” (with A. Güneş and K. Orhan), in E. Santarelli (ed.), Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Innovation: The Dynamics of Firms and Industries, International Studies in Entrepreneurship, Vol. 12, Springer, pp. 243-260.
2006, “Türkiye’de Verimlilik, Büyüme ve Kriz” (with H. Suiçmez), İktisat, İşletme ve Finans 21(240): 75-80.
2005, Fast Moving Consumer Goods: Competitive Conditions and Policies, (with A. Celen and T. Erdogan), Ankara: TEPAV.
2005, “Are Small Firms Really Less Productive?”, Small Business Economics (25): 429-445.
2005, “Determinants of Subcontracting and Regional Development : An Empirical Study on Turkish Textile and Engineering Industries” (with Y. Kilicaslan), Regional Studies (39): 633-645.
2005, “Firm Turnover and the Rate of Macro Economic Growth: Simulating the Macroeconomic Effects of Schumpeterian Creative Destruction” (with G. Eliasson and D. Johansson), in G. Eliasson (ed.), The Birth, the Life and the Death of Firms, Stockholm: Ratio Institute, pp. 305-356.
2005, “Dynamic Capability, Innovation Networks and Foreign Firms:The Turkish Case” (with A. Lenger), in G. Santangelo (ed.), Technological Change and Economic Catch-up: The Role of Science and Multinationals, Edward Elgar, pp. 125-150.
2005, “Labor Market Policies and EU Accession: Problems and Prospects for Turkey” (with Ş. Özler), in B. Hoekman and S. Togan (eds.), Turkey: Towards EU Accession, The World Bank and CEPR, pp.223-260.
2005, Türkiye’de Verimlilik, Büyüme ve Kriz (with H. Suiçmez), 4. Verimlilik Raporu, Ankara: MPM.
2005, “ODTÜ Bilimsel Araştırma Yetenekleri ve Potansiyeli”, [METU Scientific Research Capabilities and Potential] (with D. Üner and T. Tümer), İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 227 (February): 5-23.
2004, “Simulating the New Economy” (with G. Eliasson and D. Johansson), Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (15): 289-314.
2004, “Does Innovativeness Matter for Competitiveness in Developing Countries? The Case of Turkish Manufacturing Industries” (with E. Özçelik), Research Policy (33): 409-424.
2004, “Tekstil ve Hazır Giyim Sanayiilerinde Uluslararası Rekabet” [International Competitiveness in Textile and Clothing Industries] (with O. Eruygur and E. Özçelik), İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 217 (April): 5-23.
2003, “Unutulan Bir Toplumsal Amaç: Sanayileşme Ne Oluyor? Ne Olmalı? [A Forgotten Social Objective: Industrialization]” (with F. Şenses), in A.H. KÖse, F. Şenses and E. Yeldan (eds.), İktisadi Kalkınma Kriz ve İstikrar, İstanbul: İletişim.
2002, “KOBİ’ler ve İhracata Dayalı Sanayileşme [SMEs and Export-led Industrialization]”, Tes-İş Dergisi, No 4, 41-45.
2001, Ulusal Yenilik Sistemi: Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Teknolojik Değişim ve Yenilik Süreçleri [National System of Innovation: Processes of Innovation and Technological Change in Turkish Manufacturing Industry], Ankara: TUBITAK/TTGV/SIS.
2001, “Privatization, Ownership and Technical Efficiency: A Study on Turkish Cement Industry” (with Ş. Saygılı), Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 72: 581-605.
2001, “Firms’ Human Capital, R&D and Performance: A Study on French and Swedish Firms” (with G. Ballot and F. Fakhfakh), Labour Economics, 8: 443-462.
2001, “Training Policies and Economic Growth in an Evolutionary World” (with G. Ballot), Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 12: 311-329.
2001, “Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Turkish Manufacturing Industries”, Journal of Economic Cooperation (22): 43-72.
2000, “Competition, Training, Heterogeneity Persistence, and Aggregate Growth in a Multi-agent Evolutionary Model” (with G. Ballot), Applications of Simulation to Social Sciences, Paris: Hermes, pp.335-351.
2000, “Institutions, Entrepreneurship, Economic Flexibility and Growth” (with G. Eliasson), in S. Klepper, H. Hanusch and U. Cantner (eds.) Economic Evolution, Learning, and Complexity, Heidelberg: Springer/Physica, pp.265-286.
2000, “Teknolojik Gelişme ve Piyasa Yapısı: İmalat Sanayii üzerine Bir İnceleme”, Perşembe Konferansları 6, Ankara: Rekabet Kurumu.
2000, “Türkiye’de AR-GE Destek Programları: Bir Değerlendirme”, III: Teknoloji Kongresi Bildirileri, Ankara: TüBİTAK, TTGV, TüSİAD, pp. 165-174.
1999, “Technological Change, Learning, and Macro-economic Coordination: An Evolutionary Model” (with G. Ballot), Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 4 (2).
1999, “Yerel Gelişme ve Teknik Etkinlik”, İçel Sanayisini Geliştirme Sempozyumu, Ankara: DİE and Mersin Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası, pp. 277-292.
1999, “Trade Liberalization and Employment Generation: The Experience of Turkey in the 1980s”, in Ana Revenga (ed.), Turkey: Economic Reforms, Living Standards, and Social Welfare Study, Vol II Technical Papers, Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
1998, KİT Sisteminin İktisadi Değerlendirilmesi: Nicel İrdeleme, Özelleştirme Sorunları ve Politika Seçenekleri (with K. Boratav, Y. Kepenek, T. Bali, M.A. Candan ve İ. Ertuğrul), Ankara: KİGEM.
1998, “Human Capital, Technological Lock-in and Evolutionary Dynamics” (with G.Ballot), in G.Eliasson and C.Green (eds.), Microfoundations of Economic Growth: A Schumpeterian Perspective, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 301-330.
1998, “Formation Continue, Recherche et Développement et Performance des Entreprises” (with G.Ballot and F.Fakhfakh), Formation Emploi, n.64, 43-58.
1998, “Règles D’Allocation des Ressources aux Investissements Immatériels par les Entreprises et Coordination Macroéconomique: Un Modèle S’Apprentissage” (with G. Ballot), Mélanges Vincens, Toulouse: Presses de l’Université des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse, 235-248.
1998, “Kamu İşletmeleri ve Özelleştirme Deneyimi: Sorunlar ve Politika Seçenekleri” (with K. Boratav, Y. Kepenek, T. Bali, M.A. Candan ve İ. Ertuğrul), Toplum ve Bilim, n.77, 100-134.
1998, “Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Teknolojik Değişme ve İstihdam”, in T.Bulutay (ed.), Teknoloji ve İstihdam, Ankara: DİE, pp. 179-217 (Also published as “Technological Change and Employment in Turkish Manufacturing Industries”, in T.Bulutay (ed.), Technology and Employment, Ankara: SIS, pp. 185-223).
1997, Small and Medium-sized Industry in Turkey, Ankara: SIS.
1997, “The Dynamics of Firms in a Micro-to-macro Model with Training, Learning, and Innovation” (with G.Ballot), Journal of Evolutionary Economics (7), 435-457.
1997, “Technical Change and Efficiency in Turkish Manufacturing Industries” (with G.Saatçi), Journal of Productivity Analysis (8), 461-475.
1997, “Micro-Macro Simulation of Technological Systems: Economic Effects of Spillovers” (with B.Carlsson and G.Eliasson), in B.Carlsson (ed.), Technological Systems and Industrial Dynamics, Boston: Kluwer, 255-278.
1997, “Esnek üretime Dayalı Bir Rekabet Stratejisi Geliştirilebilir mi? Türkiye’de Fason üretim”, Petrol İş Yıllığı, 1996, İstanbul: Petrol İş, 707-715.
1996, “Firm Sponsored Training, Technical Progress and Aggregate Performance” (with G.Ballot), in A.Harding (ed.), Microsimulation and Public Policy, Amsterdam: North Holland, 421-451.
1996, “Türkiye Mühendislik Sanayilerinde Teknolojik Yapı”, Cumhuriyet DÖnemi Türkiye Ansiklopedisi, vol 15, İstanbul: İletişim, 374-378.
1995, “Türkiye Çimento Sanayiinde Özelleştirme ve Teknik Etkinlik [Privatization and Technical Efficiency in Turkish Cement Industry]” (with Ş.Saygılı), METU Studies in Development (23): 405-426.
1995, “Emek ve Üretim Sürecindeki Değişmeler [Labor and Changes in Production Systems]”, Değişim Sürecinde Türkiye Sanayii Sempozyumu, Ankara: TMMOB, 62-70.
1995, “The Importance of Economic Competence in Economic Growth: A Micro-to-Macro Analysis” (with B.Carlsson), in B.Carlsson (ed.), Technological Systems and Economic Performance: The Case of Factory Automation, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 359-390.
1994, “Factory Automation and Economic Performance: A Micro-to-macro Analysis” (with B.Carlsson and K.Tryggestad), in O.Granstrand (ed.), Economics of Technology, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 37-64.
1994, “Flexible Technology and Industrial Structure in the US” (with B.Carlsson), Small Business Economics (6): 193-209.
1993, “Technological Capabilities and International Competitiveness in the Engineering Industries” (with B.Carlsson), Review of Industrial Organization (8): 293-313.
1993, “Teknoloji ve Kriz [Technology and the Crisis]”, Toplum ve Bilim (56): 5-41.
1993, “Sanayi ve Teknoloji Politikaları [Industrial and Technology Policies]”, METU Studies in Development (20): 549-80.
1992, “A Description of the Initial 1982 and the 1990 Databases”, in J.W.Albrecht et al., MOSES Database, Stockholm: IUI, 137-80.
1992, “Initial State Dependency”, in J.W.Albrecht et al., MOSES Database, Stockholm: IUI, 325-41.
1992, “The Minimum Data Requirements to Start and Run MOSES” (with J.Nielsen), in J.W.Albrecht et al., MOSES Database, Stockholm: IUI, 343-53.
1991, MOSES on PC - Manual, Initialization, and Calibration, Stockholm: IUI.
1991, “Flexible Automation in the US Engineering Industries”, International Journal of Industrial Organization (9): 557-72.
1991, “The Impact of Trade Unions on the Diffusion of Technology: The Case of NC Machine Tools”, British Journal of Industrial Relations, (29): 305-311.
1990, “A Micro-simulation Analysis of Manufacturing Firms’ Demand for Telecommunication Services”, in G.Eliasson et al., The Knowledge Based Information Economy, Stockholm: IUI, 157-82.
1989, “Types of Flexibility in a Single-machine Production System”, International Journal of Production Research (27): 1891-9.
1989, “İmalat Teknolojisindeki Gelişmeler ve Mühendislik Sanayileri [New Manufacturing Technologies and the Engineering Industries]”, 1989 Sanayi Kongresi Bildirileri, 1989, Cilt 1, Ankara: MMO, 72-76 [Reprinted in Endüstri Mühendisligi (1): 10-4].
1986, “Sınai Kalkınmada Takım Tezgahları Sanayinin Rolü ve Türkiye Örneği [The Role of the Machine Tool Industry in Industrial Development: The Turkish Case]”, (with E.Özmen), in III. Teknoloji Kongresi Bildirileri, Ankara: The Ministry of Technology and Industry.